Support Programme for Production, Industrialisation and Free Trade in Comoros (APILE Comoros)
Support Programme for Production, Industrialisation and Free Trade in Comoros is the result of the ratification of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the European Union in January 2019 by the Comoros within the framework of the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) group.
This is taking place in a context where the economic and trade situation at the national level is not very favourable to the positive impact of the EPA on employment and growth in Comoros, given the observations summarised above.
In such a context, it is essential that Comoros strengthens its local production capacity, and more particularly the processing of products, in order to reduce imports of finished products on the national market, on one hand, and to increase the possibilities of exporting products with higher added value, which will contribute to the creation of decent jobs for women and men in Comoros.

To this end, three components are integrated into the APILE programme strategy.
The present programme therefore aims to encourage and facilitate at the national level the production of consumer goods of sufficient quality to be marketed in Comoros, as well as on regional and international markets.
The International Trade Centre (ITC) has been mandated by the European Union, in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Investment, in charge of Economic Integration, to improve the business environment through a strengthened public-private dialogue favourable to the industrialisation of the country, and to promote a culture of quality at national level, both at the level of local producers and final consumers.