Financed by the European Union:

The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political union between 27 European countries, working together to improve the quality of life of citizens in Europe and beyond. The EU has been working for peace, prosperity and people's well-being for more than 60 years. Founded by 6 countries – or Member States – in the 50s, the EU is today a union of 27 countries with a total population of nearly 450 million.[show_more more="more..." less="...less" color="#ff0000"]

Development is at the heart of the Union's foreign policy, with the EU providing more than half of the funding for cooperation at global level. The EU's relations with the rest of the world are based on solidarity and cooperation. Challenges such as climate change, violent extremism, human trafficking and irregular migration know no borders, and only by working with partner countries in the developing world can we fight poverty.

The EU's aim is to tackle the causes of poverty. It is not just about helping to ensure decent access to food, clean water, health care, education and land, or about building vital transport and energy infrastructure and ensuring a clean environment. It is also about establishing and strengthening democracy, human rights (including gender equality) and the rule of law. Without these elements, it is not possible to build safe and stable societies in which citizens can prosper and local businesses can invest, grow and create sustainable jobs.

The EU's 140 diplomatic missions ("Delegations") work with partner countries around the world to design long-term programmes. The European Union is represented in the Comoros by its Office in Moroni which is part of the Delegation of the European Union based in Antananarivo.[/show_more]

To find out more about the EU, visit the website of the European Union or the Delegation to the Comoros. Social networks to follow: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

Implementing Agency: UNIDO

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations.

Its mandate is to promote and accelerate sustainable industrial development in developing countries and economies in transition and to work for the improvement of living conditions in the world's poorest countries by drawing on its combined global resources and expertise.

For more information, please visit:

National Counterparts:

Ministry of Economy, Investment and Energy is the government agency supporting this programme and the main policy advisor to the government on industry and private sector development. It is responsible for the formulation and implementation of national and international promotion, growth and industry policies.

The International Trade Centre (ITC):

The International Trade Centre (ITC) is a multilateral agency with a joint mandate with the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the United Nations (UN) through the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

ITC places trade as an engine of growth at the heart of its work in developing countries. ITC provides small businesses, policymakers and business support organisations in developing countries with a range of practical trade-related training, advisory services and a wealth of trade intelligence. It helps micro, small and medium-sized enterprises become more competitive and contributes to creating better regulatory environments for trade. ITC empowers women, youth and refugees through employment. Through our programs, projects, services and data, we contribute to digital connectivity and a global transition to green and sustainable trade.

For more information on ITC, visit the   ITC - Trade for the Benefit of All website ( Social networks to follow InstagramFacebookTwitter | LinkedinYoutube